PILoT Project

Don't be scared by Technology, Get Digitalized with pibiCo

PILoT Project or Processes with Internet or Local Network of Things. A product over an all-in-one hardware and software framework based on Free Open Source Software integrating e-commerce and management apps valid for any Business with data reception from customized IoT Devices.


PILoT Summaries


Only fair and necessary components. No excesses.


Elegant and functional design adapted to any need. Whether in plastic or in wooden case, in an industrial rack box or as a customized project


There's no other known all-in-one solution more complete and cheaper in the Global market.


State-of-the-art, both in software with the latest versions and in hardware with physical components


In continuous development with the client, from a Training Solution in Centro Jovellanos to a fish farm like AsturAquaculture


Quick to implement, very fast available for use.

Designed by professionals. Experience is noted

All components have been meticulously chosen. As hardware: processor, memory, disc drives, lan interconnections, WiFi and power source. As sofware: operating system, battery of apps both for management or collaboration, looking for the greatest ease of use and adaptability..

After a big effort, we are proud to achieve the goal of getting together all components in a Product, ready for the digital transformation of any International Small and Medium Enterprise.

Why choosing PILoT

Is a solution for Future.

If you do not dare to start with the complete solution, know that the product is scalable, both in software and in hardware. At the beginning, if you only need a Web Site, just the PILoT Web. Then, if you want to enlarge to other management processes in your Commerce or Business, we can transform it into a PILoT Manager. Later on, f you desire a collaborative platform, we can update to PILoT Collabora keeping the old. Last, if you want the maximum privacy on your communications, we finish with our PILoT Enterprise as in our own Company pibiCo, where we use PILoT for our business. And for IoT Devices, the MIoT Box

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No Ties with Licensing Fees.

The advantage of free open source software is its zero license cost, neither current nor future. You are also free to choose the developers, that's the only cost you're going to have, technology support and customizing to help you getting the maximum product performance.

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We provide technological and customized products. Because you are also Special


PILoT is a long-term maturing project. From the beginning, the goals of PibiCo focused on the digital transformation of Small and Medium Enterprises, looking for the best management tools and the most powerful servers ready to serve to Offices and Businesses. Without license ties and with an affordable and sustainable cost over time. To this was added the need to add Internet devices of things that are communicating directly with the management platform without intermediaries outside the system.


...cause you are Special

The technological battery of applications was identified, all of them web browseable, on top of which the management and collaboration platform. Specific components were added to give strength, flexibility and completeness to the solution. PILoT is an all-in-one technological platform, with a powerful server, router and MIoT gateway, with applications that allow you to set up a web page, an online store, a management system, a collaborative document cloud and an document management system. Totally private communications and messaging, with Videoconferencing in the most complete product, EnterPrise.


...our past experience...the engine for our future

The ideal PILoT travel companions are the MIoT Box devices, which allow management and data analytics with data captured and transmitted in real time to the PILoT server, without intermediation. Then to manage or analyze the data inside the system as a 360 degrees whole to any business. The possibilities of the platform are endless, only limited by the imagination or the technologies developed so far.


..engine to Innovate